Take a Moment to Breathe

Sometimes life can be pretty stressful. We can reduce that stress which is hurting us mentally, as well as physically. To regroup ourselves, we need to remember to breathe during the day. That’s all it takes.

Air Flow Yoga is offering online meditation and yoga classes for those who are looking to take an hour out of their day to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate the body and mind. If you are looking to learn more about meditation and yoga you can schedule a first meeting where we can talk about the foundation of the practice and learn some basic tools to help us further our practice in our everyday lives.

You are invited to browse our web site to see how Air Flow Yoga can help you start your journey to controlling the stress in your life.

Eric Stephenson – Founder and instructor

About Air Flow Yoga

Air Flow Yoga was created by Eric Stephenson, a certified Samapatti yoga instructor. Samapatti Yoga is a form of yoga which emphasizes the transformational aspects of yoga.

Eric began studying yoga, meditation, stress reduction and relaxation training in 2018 in the midwest under the originator of Samapatti Yoga, Mike Zolfo, who studied under Jagdish P Dave, PhD. His yoga studies also include all of the schools of hatha and raja yoga: Bihar, Himalayan, Iyengar, Viniyoga, Ashtanga, Bikram and other Raja, Jnana and Bhakti schools.

Eric’s classes are an artful blend of movement and stillness, breath and awareness. Each unique class inspires students to unite body, mind and heart in the present moment, enhancing well being throughout one’s everyday life. Below are some comments that people who have taken Eric’s yoga classes have shared.

Eric lives in northern California where he enjoys nature, making music and enjoying the present moment.

“I enjoyed getting a break from stress. It feels great to just take a second to breathe and reset.”

“Eric had us breathe. I feel as if he helped lengthen my attention span. It made me more kind and relaxed around others.”

“During meditation, I was able to clear my head and I felt lighter… like a weight was removed from my shoulders.”

“Eric was patient with us. His voice was calming.”